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Yippee Platform

1 Ocak 2024/

The digital platform of Yippee, our KA2 project under the Erasmus+ Program, has been established. You can review all the outputs of the project as a free member of the platform. Click here to access the User Guide of the platform. Click here to access the platform.

Beyond Borders: Erasmus+ Program

1 Ocak 2024/

In today’s globalized world, gaining international experience and understanding different cultures can provide a significant advantage in both your career and personal development. This is where the Erasmus+ Program comes into play, offering unique opportunities for young people, students, and professionals. So, what is Erasmus+, and why is it so…

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If you are seeking collaboration opportunities within the framework of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps, we are eager to develop joint projects with you and involve you among our partners.



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